Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Sunshine State

After much delay, I made it back to the states later than originally planned. After getting up at an unreasonable hour, I had a relaxing taxi ride from the Study Center to Heathrow, that was arranged by my wonderful classmate Annette. I said my goodbyes to my classmates who shared the taxi, and then I was off to check in at my terminal. When I finally got to the terminal with all of my bags, I was informed that my plane home was cancelled. I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. A few tears and a mighty meltdown later ,I was off to a hotel where I informed my family of my location and I promptly took a nap. The next morning, I was eager to get to the airport in case of any more unfortunate surprises, there I was finally met with helpful staff members and then I was off to the good ole U S of A. It never felt so good to land in Tallahassee, I was hungry, weary and I just wanted to find my bags and get to my family who were happily waiting for me. It was good to see them and I couldn't wait to give them all of the gifts that I got them in London. At first my Shih Tzu was shy and didn't look happy to see me, but he got over it once I gave him his chew toy and collar from Harrods. I honestly had enough time to catch a few hours of sleep and then it was time for my family Summer vacation to the beach where jet leg finally kicked in. I promptly spent a whole day and night sleeping, I even slept through a power outrage that occurred on the street of my hotel. It feels great to be home. I really missed my family, friends and American food. So far I have eaten everything on my list, but there are a few things to check off. With that being said, I am starting to missed London. It is the little things like walking down my daily path to Starbucks to get my Coffee, hanging out with my roommate Kristyn and walking down Oxford Street to go window shopping. It taking time for me to adjust to not taking the tube just about everywhere. It was hard to drive around the first hour because I was scared that I was driving on the wrong side of the road. Like I said in another post, I can't wait to go back to London. I honestly feel like London is where my future lies. The idea that I might live in London makes me uncontrollably giddy. I can't wait to see what London has in store for me.

London 2013 Photo Book

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