Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Sunshine State

After much delay, I made it back to the states later than originally planned. After getting up at an unreasonable hour, I had a relaxing taxi ride from the Study Center to Heathrow, that was arranged by my wonderful classmate Annette. I said my goodbyes to my classmates who shared the taxi, and then I was off to check in at my terminal. When I finally got to the terminal with all of my bags, I was informed that my plane home was cancelled. I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. A few tears and a mighty meltdown later ,I was off to a hotel where I informed my family of my location and I promptly took a nap. The next morning, I was eager to get to the airport in case of any more unfortunate surprises, there I was finally met with helpful staff members and then I was off to the good ole U S of A. It never felt so good to land in Tallahassee, I was hungry, weary and I just wanted to find my bags and get to my family who were happily waiting for me. It was good to see them and I couldn't wait to give them all of the gifts that I got them in London. At first my Shih Tzu was shy and didn't look happy to see me, but he got over it once I gave him his chew toy and collar from Harrods. I honestly had enough time to catch a few hours of sleep and then it was time for my family Summer vacation to the beach where jet leg finally kicked in. I promptly spent a whole day and night sleeping, I even slept through a power outrage that occurred on the street of my hotel. It feels great to be home. I really missed my family, friends and American food. So far I have eaten everything on my list, but there are a few things to check off. With that being said, I am starting to missed London. It is the little things like walking down my daily path to Starbucks to get my Coffee, hanging out with my roommate Kristyn and walking down Oxford Street to go window shopping. It taking time for me to adjust to not taking the tube just about everywhere. It was hard to drive around the first hour because I was scared that I was driving on the wrong side of the road. Like I said in another post, I can't wait to go back to London. I honestly feel like London is where my future lies. The idea that I might live in London makes me uncontrollably giddy. I can't wait to see what London has in store for me.

London 2013 Photo Book

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Sunday, July 28, 2013

This Is Not Goodbye. It Is See You Soon.

My time here in London is drawing to a close. The three weeks went by very quickly. It seemed like it took forever for me to get to London, only for the days here to speed by. There are still so many things that I went to do! I decided that I will visit and see the things that I missed on this trip when I bring my family back soon. I really want to go and see east London because I have heard so many great things about it. Today I went to the Queen's home again at Buckingham Palace. I have been there a couple of times on this trip, first at the Coronation Festival and then to celebrate the arrival of HRH Prince George; but I didn't get the opportunity to go visit the state rooms until today. Everything was so regal and beautiful, it was just how I imagined it in my head. I enjoyed listening to the audio tour and taking in my surroundings. The palace tour was by far the highlight of my time in London. I am really going to miss London and my classmates. I greatly enjoyed getting to know each and everyone of them and building great friendships. I am going to miss laughing and having inside jokes with my friends here, and sharing our thoughts and feelings about our experiences that we went through together from climbing the steps of St. Paul's cathedral; meeting the actor from the TV show "Being Human"; late night runs to Burger King; mini shopping trips; trying to figure out the tube; watching my classmate Annette take pictures of beautiful British men; laughing uncontrollably with Kristyn, Lauren and Brianna; complaining about the heat wave; talking about theater life with Carolyn; listening to Liz discuss how to improve school libraries; having Nicole try to explain the world of Doctor Who; giving beautiful Katie the star treatment for our group video; discussing the art form of Scones with Melissa I; keeping up with Martha and Crystal because I knew we would get to our destination safely; the Camden music scene; hanging out with the world's media while waiting for Prince George to arrive; the birth of Prince George; and my personal favorite, thinking it was a good idea to ride a bicycle from Buckingham Palace to our flat on Great Russell along with London traffic. I have so many great stories to tell my family and friends who I miss dearly when I get home. Thankfully, I also have lots and LOTS of pictures that I took of my time here to share with them. I can't wait to see my mom, big sister and dog. I bought them a lot of things over my three week stay here and I can't wait to show them. I had to buy two extra bags. I know traveling through Heathrow will be a pain but I don't regret any of the stuff that I bought them. I am going to miss my classmates a lot. I am grateful that I got to meet really, kind, smart, funny people. I was granted a great opportunity. I would really like to live in London; being here the last three weeks has cemented that fact. I don't know when I will be back, but London I will see you again soon.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Digtial Video

Hello all!!!! Here is my group video about a day in the life of an FSU Londoner. ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Sky High on the London Eye

It is official, I have to bring my family back to London. The London Eye sold me on it;I really want my big sister to get out of her high powered law office to come see Big Ben from inside the glass case of the London Eye. I saw just about everything from the eye. I am afraid of heights, but when we got to the very top of the eye I had to go and look at the really cool touch screens that were mounted in the case with us. The touch screens had information on the London sights that we were all viewing. I thought that it was really cool and it kind of took my mind away from being so high over the Thames. When we first got off the tube to the eye, we had to wait in a line that seemed a mile long. Surprisingly, the line moved very quickly and we were at the front in no time. I think since I was with my group having funny conversations it made the time go by faster. My classmates seemed to really enjoy the eye,everyone was taking pictures and laughing it was a great time. I feel like my classmates and I have really bonded during our time here. I was so happy that I got to share this experience with them yesterday afternoon.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

A Look Through Magic With My Eyes

Hello, Here is a little video that I made of the Harry Potter Studio Tour. I really hope that you in enjoy it. Produced by: Melissa C. Sykes Images: Melissa C. Sykes Background Music: Hedwig's Theme: Composed and Conducted by John Williams Neville's Waltz: Composed and Conducted by Patrick Doyle Hogwart's Hyman: Composed and Conducted by Patrick Doyle Harry in Winter: Composed and Conducted by Patrick Doyle Courtyard Apocalypse: Composed and Conducted by Alexandre Desplat

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Keeping the Magic in My Heart

After a rattling morning of time differences I had enough time for an amazing breakfast at the Bloomsbury Hotel. The waffles, breakfast buffet and coffee were amazing! I highly recommend that everyone who has the opportunity tryout this restaurant. For most of my teens to early adulthood Harry Potter has been a big chunk of my life. From the books to the movies, my friends were all about the magical world of Harry Potter. When the book and movie series ended it was the end of an era, my childhood officially came to an end. Like the characters in the beloved books it was time to grow up. I have heard about the Harry Potter studio tour for awhile now but I never imagined myself there! It was truly surreal to see all the sets in person, it was like a dream. I almost expected to see Harry and Ron running down the halls because they were late for class. My excitement couldn't compare to my roommate Kristyn's excitement. It was like Christmas for her I was surprised/not surprised that she actually owned her own "invisibility cloak". Kristyn was like a kid in a candy shop, no make that a candy factory. One couldn't help but be excited about the tour because Kristyn's excitement was bubbling over. From the moment I stepped off of the bus I was surrounded by all things Harry. I knew that it would be amazing just by the lobby, where they had the film star's portraits. The whole experience brought me so much joy. I felt a little emotional walking through the studio looking at everything that was involved in the movie. As I stated at the outset, it was truly surreal. I just couldn't believe everything I saw and heard. I just wished that I could have somehow used a wand and brought my family and friends here to share in this magical experience.