Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Keeping the Magic in My Heart

After a rattling morning of time differences I had enough time for an amazing breakfast at the Bloomsbury Hotel. The waffles, breakfast buffet and coffee were amazing! I highly recommend that everyone who has the opportunity tryout this restaurant. For most of my teens to early adulthood Harry Potter has been a big chunk of my life. From the books to the movies, my friends were all about the magical world of Harry Potter. When the book and movie series ended it was the end of an era, my childhood officially came to an end. Like the characters in the beloved books it was time to grow up. I have heard about the Harry Potter studio tour for awhile now but I never imagined myself there! It was truly surreal to see all the sets in person, it was like a dream. I almost expected to see Harry and Ron running down the halls because they were late for class. My excitement couldn't compare to my roommate Kristyn's excitement. It was like Christmas for her I was surprised/not surprised that she actually owned her own "invisibility cloak". Kristyn was like a kid in a candy shop, no make that a candy factory. One couldn't help but be excited about the tour because Kristyn's excitement was bubbling over. From the moment I stepped off of the bus I was surrounded by all things Harry. I knew that it would be amazing just by the lobby, where they had the film star's portraits. The whole experience brought me so much joy. I felt a little emotional walking through the studio looking at everything that was involved in the movie. As I stated at the outset, it was truly surreal. I just couldn't believe everything I saw and heard. I just wished that I could have somehow used a wand and brought my family and friends here to share in this magical experience.

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