Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A Day At The Dahl

Wednesday, 17th, July
My inner child burst out today with wild enthusiasm. I got to take a morning trip today to the Roald Dahl Museum and Story Center which is in Great Missenden. The museum is for the author Roald Dahl who wrote some of the most beloved classics such as Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda, The Witches, and James and the Giant Peach. Great Missenden is the town where Mr. Dahl lived and was buried after he died. The village of Great Missenden is very picturesque and the people here are very helpful and kind. So far, I have enjoyed this tiny museum the best out of all the museums we have visited. I enjoyed reading about the life of Roald Dahl. Every part of the museum was colorful. There were children old and young visiting today and enjoying what the museum had to offer. I personally partook in the room that was for arts and crafts. I colored and bedazzled a lady spider. I even hung it up along with the other children. I thought that the museum was just perfect; it was an interactive experience. The museum stressed the role of creativity, and the museum director talked about the importance of using your imagination. I firmly believe that as you grow older, you should never lose the ability to be creative and to use your imagination. The class went and saw another fabulous play this evening, it was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I loved it. Everything was a spectacle, from the music right down to the costumes. The colors for the stage back drop were very vivid and it brought the audience joy to watch. I greatly enjoy going to the theater here in London, it is nice to dress up a bit and to a enjoy a well put together production. My mother was correct when she told me that theater productions are better than films. There is very little chance of the audience getting bored. The actors keep you enchanted so that you have no option but to let their hard work consume you for that brief period of time.

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