Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Oxford Blue

Today's adventure took me to the wonderful land of Oxford. I had a totally different image in my head of Oxford. I pictured cows and horses everywhere with farmers in overalls. But I was greatly surprised! Oxford's country side is very lush and beautiful. This may sound strange but the country side looks healthy, what I mean by that is there is no traffic, people aren't in a rush, no pollution. Overall people appear to be maintaining a healthy way of life here in Oxford. After a soothing train ride to Oxford Station, we went for a walk around Oxford before going to the Bodleian Library and Radcliffe Camera. Oxford University has one of the most beautiful campuses I have ever seen. Everywhere you looked there was something on the building or the grounds to see. The details on and in the buildings was astounding. We had a lovely tour guide that took us to the " Camera Room" which housed some of England's oldest books. One of my favorite things on that tour was the chair that the librarian sat in that looked liked a throne. One of the tours that I greatly enjoyed was at the Christ Church Cathedral. The main attraction was the great hall which is a dinning hall. That was a favorite of almost every visitor because the great hall was used for the Harry Potter movies. There were so many people pushing and shoving to get a picture of a piece of movie history. I also liked the stained glass windows that told different stories through the art work on them, it gave me goosebumps when an all girl choir who was also visiting started to sing a hymn. Some classmates and I decided to sit down and enjoy our unexpected entertainment. It did me good to see a college environment in a different country. There are some clear similarities and differences that I noticed. What I took away from this trip is that no matter where a person comes from, there is always a deep desire to learn and do great things with the opportunities that are granted to them.

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