Monday, July 8, 2013

Welcome to London!!!!!!

Monday, July 8, 2013 After traveling to Miami,Florida, being delayed in Miami for close to three hours, and having a very very bumpy 9 hour flight, I finally made it to London safely and slightly weary. I thought that I would know the scale of Heathrow Airport but boy was I wrong. It seemed that I walked for miles after exiting the plane on my way to be cleared for entry. After I got my passport stamped, I was on the hunt to find my bags. Luckily for me they were safe and in plain view for me to get them. Then it was off to find transportation to the Study center. I had a wonderful cab driver who got me to the study center in one piece. While en route to the study center, I couldn't help but notice the differences in UK and American ways of life. For example the cabs, the cabs in the UK are massive inside and they have WiFi! I was so excited to see where I would be living for the next three weeks, and nothing could have prepared me for the beauty of the study center. It is so regal and it looked like something off of a British television show. When I got into the building I was very happy to see most of my classmates who arrived minutes before me. My happiness didn't stop there, I found out that one of my classmates who I have been talking to via Facebook for the last month was my roommate. She is wonderful and extremely funny, we have already had a mini shopping adventure today at a store called "Primark" which is a insane combination of H&M, Top-Shop, and Forever 21. I finally got in touch with my big sister Cecilie and my Mom Margaret. It was great to hear their voices, I was worried that I would be unable to contact them but I did! I miss my mom, sister and Shih Tzu Barry terribly and I wish that they were all here to share this experience with me. I decided that I will bring them all here one day. Words can't express how happy I am to be in London. It still doesn't seem real to me. I have been dreaming about this for years! Now finally my dream has come true. I am in love with this city, everything about it here amazes me. I am so excited to see everything the city has to offer in the upcoming weeks.

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