Thursday, July 18, 2013

Oh What a Beautiful Tower

I officially reached Mecca today. I Melissa Christina Faith Sykes was able to see up-close, the Queen's Jewels. I was speechless after viewing them today at the Tower of London. The jewels were so shiny and beautiful. They sparkled like little stars. It was really weird to see them up close after years of watching them in various royal documentaries. The jewels were more beautiful then I could possibly imagine. Now for the Tower, it took my breath away to look at it. I have watched all of those British shows that used the Tower as a back-drop. The main historical figure that came to mind while looking at the Tower was Anne Boleyn. Just looking at the place where she lived before her untimely death made me slightly emotional. There were places where others like Anne lived and died; so many lives lost. Everything at the Tower was lovely, it was a beautiful slightly cool day. I wasn't about to die from heat stroke, it was great. I got to take the time to sit on the bench and people watch. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. I am really enjoying my experience here. I honestly can't believe that my time here is almost up. It is going by too fast. Tomorrow we leave for our weekend in the Paris. I am a little scared, but very very excited.

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