Monday, July 22, 2013


Today I woke up to the buzz that Kate Middleton finally went into labor. I have been waiting for this since the moment I stepped off of the plane. I am really excited. I even went to the hospital where she was admitted and was somehow able to get where all the world's media was stationed. I think that they thought that I worked there or something, the police and the private guards on duty said nothing so I kept going. I have been looking forward to this day for a while, but it was kind of ruined when others stated that it was pretty stupid to be so excited about the royal baby. I have to admit, my feelings were deeply hurt. I just felt kind of stupid for liking and being excited about something that others deemed silly. That episode kind of put a damper on the rest of the day, and for the first time since I got here I really just wanted to go home to my family and friends, the people who understand me and like me for me. I saw the place where history is everywhere you look. I have been reading about and watching Westminster Abbey since I could walk. I have watched and re-watched the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer, the funeral of Diana Princess of Wales and finally the wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton. Side Note: I wore out my Royal Wedding DVD and I am in desperate need of a new one. End of Side Note: I saw where the Queen Mother first laid her flowers at the tomb of the unknown solider, where Kate walked through the doors to meet her beloved prince, and where Diana went to have her final send off. All of these things both joyful and heartbreaking happened here and I was lucky enough to be surrounded by it all. I got to see the Coronation Chair, the tombs of Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth I, both are ironically buried together. We also got to see where some of the great poets were buried and the memorial to the great I then endured the heat wave to go to the National Portrait Gallery that housed the paintings of Dame Maggie Smith, Dame Elizabeth Taylor, Joan Collins, and of course members of the royal family, Queen Victoria, Queen Marry, Queen Elizabeth II and Duchess Catherine, whose portrait was even more beautiful in person than through Google images. I then endured the heat wave to go to the National Portrait Gallery that housed the paintings of Dame Maggie Smith, Dame Elizabeth Taylor, Joan Collins, and of course members of the royal family, Queen Victoria, Queen Marry, Queen Elizabeth II and Duchess Cathrine whose portrait was even more beautiful in person then through Google images. Today was a good day with a few damp spots, hopefully I can try to make it a better evening and forget my hurt feelings.

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