Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Looking at the Beauty in Small Things

Tuesday, July, 9th, 2013 Today after class I had the opportunity to do some shopping on London's "Oxford Street". I've never really seen anything like it before. What I saw today wasn't bad or troubling it was actually quite freeing. I saw people from all walks of life on the street today. I hail from Florida, Tallahassee to be exact. Tallahassee is a college town so it has what I had come to believe is an urban atmosphere. The people here today were so beautiful to me. It wasn't just looks based, it was everything about them. It was their spirit. It made me truly happy to be in company with these people. I later ventured to a more quiet area of town. Instead of the hustle and bustle of the busy side walks it was a more calming and peaceful walk back to the study center from dinner. My roommate and I stumbled upon many beautiful lush green parks. Their were families having picnics, senior citizens feeding the birds, young adults enjoying the beautiful afternoon by reading and playing games with their friends. I took the time to admire the beautiful rose gardens at these various parks. The parks were in the middle of all of these historic buildings. When walking by the buildings I thought that it would be wonderful to wake up to the view of these lovely parks everyday. Maybe one day I will know what it feels like.

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