Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Stairway to Epic

Wednesday, July, 10th, 2013 There are 528 steps from the ground level to the top of St. Paul's Cathedral. I am sure that you are reading this and thinking, oh she used Wikipedia for that fact. No, sorry, wrong, I know about the number of steps because I, Melissa Christina Faith Sykes, climbed all of those stairs to the top of the cathedral today. I thought that I was in good physical shape but no bodytone, spinning, or cardio party class has prepared me for 259 stairs. It was a tough climb but with the help of my classmates, I got over my fears of heights and falling down stairs to literally rise to the top. My vantage point from the top of St. Paul's Cathedral was nothing short of amazing both from the outside, where I got to see the beautiful sun shine down on the whole of London and from the inside, the "whisper gallery" to more specific. Looking upon the cathedral was an amazing feast for the eyes. Everywhere you look was something unearthly beautiful. I was in awe of my surroundings there was such fine detail in the structure and our tour guide Janet did a wonderful job as a storyteller whilst showing our class the key points of the cathedral. My favorite parts of the tour were a little bit silly and a whole lot girly, but none the less my favorite parts were the great big doors to the cathedral. I enjoyed the doors because I got to touch the doors that Lady Diana Spencer had to walk through before she became Diana "Princess of Wales". Additionally I loved looking at the throne chairs that HRH Queen Elizabeth, Prince Phillip and Prince Charles have to sit in during the different services they attend. The little girl in me squealed with unabashed glee.

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