Sunday, July 21, 2013

I Am Just Not Into To You

First of all let me start this blog posting by saying that I am not "anti-Paris", I am just disappointed in it. I had a little girl's idea of Paris in my head and I personally think that influenced my disappointment with Paris. I got off the Eurostar with very high hopes of shopping, Paris sites, pastries, and more shopping; overall just having a lovely experience. I can never ever ever complain about the London tube or the buses. However, the Paris Metro is a cross between the "red wedding" episode of Game of Thrones and the chaos of the sinking of the Titanic. To get on the Metro it really was the " every man for himself and God for us all" mentality. We also had the added bonus of the " beware of pickpockets" signs everywhere we looked, and I mean EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!! I was so paranoid while walking, when anyone got too close to my backpack I freaked out, usually the person that I thought was a pick pocket was a member of our group. Our first stop was the trip the Louvre. Yes, it was beautiful, yes it was big, yes it is as big as everyone says, yes it really will take a full week to see. Being in the Louvre with no direction is like crying in the middle of Wal-Mart on Black Friday because you can't find your mom. Luckily for me I had Kristyn. We soldiered through, and after an hour we finally saw the Mona Lisa, which by the way is really small and made even smaller by the mass of people peering at it. I loved seeing "Winged Victory", I remember studying it when I was an undergraduate. While running through to meet my school group on time, I passed by a number of pieces of art that I remember seeing in my text book. Most of those pieces where by Rembrandt. After getting some pastries we were lead to the Eiffle Tower. Let me tell you when you walk through the trees and come up upon it, it is truly breath taking. There are no words to describe the beauty of it. It was nice to find a shady spot to have lunch with the Eiffle Tower in the background. The group then had a lovely cruise on the Seine. It was nice to take a break from walking with a heavy back pack in the heat to actually take the time to appreciate where we were. Coming back to London two days early was a roommate decision. Kristyn and I both decided that Paris was not for us. We were hot, tired and on the verge of tears right before the cruise down the Seine. It is safe to say we both had mini melt downs. There was no talking us out of staying, we were two women determined to get back to the civilization of London. We were both more than willing to stay for each other. We didn't want to ruin our time in Paris, but Paris was a no go for the both of us. I came, I saw, and I bought the most delicious ice cream cone I ever had on my time on this planet, money well spent. On the train ride from Paris to London, I had a new burst of energy. I was so happy to go back to my clean flat, wash the Paris dirt off, and fall into bed. I am not saying that I will never go back to Paris, I am just saying that I will when I have more time to explore and am not literally loaded down. So until the time comes I won't be calling Paris for a date. EDITOR'S NOTE: A big thank you to Mr. Harry Everhart. You made me smile through out our time in Paris. You helped keep us safe and I didn't get hit by a car, or worse, get lost. You made sure that we all stayed together and in one piece, I felt like a little baby duck.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Melissa - I read your blog about Paris. I am really very sorry you had a bad time. If I would have known you felt that way - I could have helped you out. By the time I heard about your troubles - you had already cancelled your hotel reservation and booked a train home to London - something that could not be undone. One student summed up Paris best - she said Paris was like a bad first date - but you have to be careful what you say - you may fall in love with him and really like him a lot. It is a shame you were so scared and did not give Paris a chance. She is absolutely wonderful. I know how much you love fashion - and a day strolling along the Champs Elysees would have stolen your heart away. All the wonderful stores - shops -places to eat - and pretty people dressed to the nines - even makes this 65 year old heart that dresses 95% of the time in a gray t-shirt leap just thinking about it. I have visited Paris 8 times - my son is considering moving there to work. The closest I have seen to a crime was a bus drifting into the Seine all by itself - SPLASH! We do love London - we love our apartment here - the orderliness - the comfort of feeling like a resident. But the food - scooters - clothes - cars - architecture - history - and the French people just add flavor to this world. Do not forget - about Iraq - the French were right. Give it some time - in a few years - when you are a different person - try it again - maybe with some lucky young man. It will be even better as the two of you laugh about your first experience in Paris. You deserved more and I am sorry if the visit failed you.
